While purchasing a commercial or industrial real estate property, one must ensure that the site is free of environmental contaminants and impurities. Moreover, it is mandatory for companies to meet regulatory compliance requirements. Phase II Environmental Site Assessment helps companies to identify whether the property they are purchasing is contaminated or not.
It is generally conducted after Phase I Environmental Site Assessment detects a potential contamination risk. It involves the collection of environmental samples and data and lab analysis. This analysis reveals the extent of contamination and allows you to mitigate the problem. The following section discusses each step of the process in detail for you.
Step-by-Step Phase II Environmental Site Assessment
An industrial or commercial site might be exposed to numerous hazardous substances from activities conducted previously. It might be exposed to environmental degradation, oil stains, and chemical spills. The primary role of Phase II Environmental Site Assessment is to confirm the presence of such hazardous substances and additional contaminants. It is conducted following a systematic step-by-step approach.
1. Site Visit and Planning
The first step of Phase II ESA is a site visit. A professional environmental consultant conducts a preliminary evaluation of the site to identify appropriate sites for sample collection. This assessment includes reviewing of historical practices on the ground, and land, and an analysis of Phase 1 ESA.
Some common contamination-prone areas such as underground storage tanks and waste discharge points are examined thoroughly. After inspection, a detailed plan is chalked out mentioning the sampling location and methods and types of tests to be conducted.
2. Vapor, Water and Soil Sampling
The next step after planning is sample collection. It includes the collection of soil, groundwater, and vapor samples from key locations. The samples are then tested in the laboratory for analysis. Depending on the size of the property, the sample size and locations are determined.
Additionally, the sample size also depends on the types of contaminants and the level of contamination. However, it is the most time-consuming step of the process. It requires strict adherence to protocols of using specialized equipment and through search.
3. Laboratory Analysis
The samples are tested in the laboratory for individual contaminants. Some common contaminants that are tested for are heavy metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and other hazardous substances. However, the contaminants to be tested depend on the prior activities carried out on-site and Phase I ESA. The testing usually takes from days to a few weeks depending on sample size. The result reveals the presence of contaminations and their extent.
4. Data Interpretation and Reporting
The next step is interpretation of the findings. Some key information that is considered to prepare the report is:
- Types and concentration levels of individual contaminants that are present in the site
- Level of contaminations across the site
- Determining whether contamination levels exceed regulatory levels
- Suggestions for further investigation, and remediation. It also mentions if no action is required.
- Lastly, explanation regarding what sort of risk the contaminant posed for human beings and the environment.
5. Suggestions of Remedial Measures
The last step is to provide remedial suggestions. If the contaminant level exceeds the regulatory acceptable limit, environmental consultants will suggest some cost-effective and efficient remedial measures and methods. These recommendations generally include soil removal, groundwater treatment, and many more. However, if the contamination level is unmanageable after Phase II Environmental Site Assessment then Phase III Assessment is suggested.
The blog has discussed the step-by-step Phase II Environmental Site Assessment procedures. Hope this proves useful for you. Make sure you hire a top environmental consultant for accurate assessment. Check out their portfolio to ensure they follow and use state-of-the-art equipment and methods. Inefficient assessment might lead to regulatory hassles and also pose serious risks to the environment and workers.